Don’t let the calendar fool you – it’s time to think about your New Year’s resolutions. I don’t mean MAKING them, I mean RENEWING your commitment to them. We all resolved to make changes January 1st... how’d that go? If you fell a little short, it’s never too late to try again.
As we discuss during resolution season, small changes that stick make the biggest impact. Large, wholesale changes tend to fall away quickly, so they don't work and leave us feeling disappointed. Let's get back in the resolution mindset but with better results this time around.
First, pick only one goal. Splitting your attention among multiple goals often leaves us without enough time for each one. So it’s best to stick to a single target and throw your energy behind it.
Find motivation. Beach weather is coming. Maybe you have more time in the summer to invest in your health. Perhaps you have a wedding to attend or a vacation you want to look and feel great for. Having a concrete deadline for your goals can often provide the extra push you need.
Figure out why it didn’t turn out quite like you wanted. What was the main reason or reasons? Work backwards from the cause. For example, if a woman sets her sights on better posture, did she:
- Learn proper technique for posture-specific exercises or just try what seemed like a good idea?
- Dedicate time to those posture exercises or do them sporadically, only when they came to mind?
- Remain consistent with the training or give up after results didn’t come quickly enough?
Try to focus on the root cause of your shortfall. Maybe a different approach would help make it more successful a second time around.
When revisiting your resolutions, here are some Do’s and Don’ts:
DON’T pick big, wholesale changes. Their solutions are complex, so success depends upon each and every component working out just right.
DO pick something that's more focused, so you can really hone in on only a few elements.
DON'T pick a lofty goal, thinking it will motivate you more. Sometimes we think aiming high but falling short will leave us with decent progress anyway. In reality, we tend to abandon the whole idea after being discouraged by our lack of results.
DO pick something that’s within your reach. It’s not a cop-out to think small. It’s increasing the likelihood of success. Resolutions only have value if they actually result in change.
DON’T use the same approach this time around. It didn’t turn out as planned last time for a reason.
DO identify why it didn’t work and deal with the obstacles first so you have fewer things tripping you up.
DON’T assume that your desire for the end result alone will be enough to ensure victory.
DO set a game plan and a timeline for sticking with it so you don’t quit too soon.
Bonus: Share this idea with a friend of family member so they can join you in your renewed quest. Or just simply tell people about your resolution renewal. This adds accountability and can help you stick with it.
It’s never too late to try again. You can do it this time! Good luck!