How to Take the Edge Off of Holiday Work Stress

🎊Holiday time is stressful already with gift buying, travel and preparing for family gatherings. Adding holiday work parties and year-end deadlines means this time of year gets pretty stressful! In fact, a work/life balance poll by Monster found that:

🔴61% of workers feel negatively impacted during the holiday season

🔴44% experience above-average stress

🔴17% report a decrease in their well-being.

It's clear that this is a rough time for many but what can we do about it? Not participating in gift-giving isn’t really a thing and skipping holiday parties isn't a good idea, either…

While I don’t recommend taking on an additional stressor of big lifestyle changes (save those for the new year), I do see a few actions you can take:

🌟Eliminate whatever drama you can. Maybe there's a project you can leave until after you get back. Instead of spending lots of time finding the perfect, personalized gift, choose a gift card and add a heartfelt note instead. Consider skipping one party and instead schedule a dinner with people you'll miss. Also, when attending gatherings, try to limit your intake of alcohol or caffeine. In large quantities, these can make you feel more depressed/anxious and actually decrease your performance at work. 

🌟Reduce the stress of the activities you choose to keep. Don't shop for the perfect outfit for get-togethers. Don't offer to take on more responsibility for work projects. Don't drink too much at parties. Most importantly, don't let people get to you! Let things go. Your coworkers are stressed out, too, so maybe they didn't mean it that way. Or maybe they meant to include you but forgot. Most drama is caused by misunderstanding or a case of being oblivious - not malice.

🌟Add coping mechanisms to help boost your well-being. Take more time off from work. Promise yourself you'll fully disconnect during your time off so you can power through the final push. (Actually do that!) Looking at the Monster poll again, 27% plan on carving out time to decompress alone and 21% intend on exercising to reduce stress. And I’m not talking about a whole new exercise routine. Maybe take a 15 minute walk at lunch🚶‍♀️🚶🚶‍♂️. Or do 3 sets of 50 mountain climbers after work - that'll burn off the stress! 💪

Whatever your approach, be mindful of problems and take time to figure out solutions. This time of year is a mix of stress, joy, drama and family. Navigating choices and managing our health takes planning and conscious effort. 💫

Here’s the article for further reading.

The Incredible Edible Egg: Exploring the Health Benefits of Eggs

Remember when eggs were an enemy to your health, talked about with cigarettes and butter? Turns out,, research has shed light on the incredible health benefits of eggs (and cleared up some misconceptions). Let's see why they should be a part of your balanced diet.

1. Packed with Nutrients:

Eggs are a nutritional treasure trove. They are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B vitamins (like B12 and riboflavin), and important minerals like selenium, phosphorus, and iron, among others.

2. High-Quality Protein:

Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein, providing all the essential amino acids your body requires for optimal health. The protein in eggs is easily digestible, making it a perfect choice for athletes, those looking to build muscle, or for anyone just trying to meet their daily protein needs.

3. Weight Management:

Eating eggs can be a helpful component of a weight management plan. The protein in eggs helps you feel full and satisfied, reducing overall calorie intake and promoting weight loss. Research has shown that consuming eggs for breakfast can lead to reduced calorie consumption throughout the day. What's more, that muscles-building benefit mentioned before means a higher metabolic rate from more muscle on your body.

4. Cholesterol Myth:

For years, there was a misconception that eggs were bad for your heart because of their cholesterol content. However, recent studies have found that dietary cholesterol in eggs has minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels for most people. In fact, eggs can improve the balance of "good" HDL cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol in the body.

5. Eye Health:

Eggs are a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that play a crucial role in maintaining eye health. These compounds can help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

6. Brain Function:

Choline, a nutrient present in eggs, is essential for brain development and function. It plays a role in memory, mood regulation, and cognitive function. Adequate choline intake is particularly important during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

7. Strong Bones:

Eggs are a natural source of vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption and bone health. Vitamin D is especially vital for individuals with limited sun exposure.

8. Skin and Hair:

The protein and various vitamins in eggs can contribute to healthy skin and hair. Biotin, for example, is found in eggs and is known for its role in promoting healthy hair and nails.

9. Versatility:

Eggs are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. They can be prepared in numerous ways, from simple boiled or scrambled eggs to more complex dishes like omelets and frittatas. This versatility makes it easy to incorporate eggs into your diet.

Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse that can benefit your overall health in multiple ways. Loaded with essential nutrients, high-quality protein, and a range of health-promoting compounds, eggs are a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Current research suggests that concerns about dietary cholesterol in eggs have been largely overblown, making them a safe and nutritious food choice for most people. So, feel free to enjoy the incredible edible egg as part of your daily diet and reap the many health benefits it offers!