How to make winter your healthiest, happiest season

running in the snow

So, the first step would be to just to get outside. I know it's cold, but I was once told: "there's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing." So, bundle up, and walk briskly. It will feel good once you get out there.

If you can’t stand the cold, go walking in a mall, or better yet, use their stairs. Not only does it get you exercising in a comfortable environment, but it gets you out of the house. That's always good for mood.

personal trainer working with a client

Hire an in-home personal trainer. A fitness professional who comes to your home is sure to get you moving. You won't even have to brave the cold!

Try something different. How about an indoor volleyball league? Maybe dodgeball? Racquetball is excellent vigorous exercise, but make sure you're physically prepared for something that demanding. It could be something as simple as a yoga class... or even a cooking class! It gets you out of the house and gets you mindful about your health and fitness.

cross country skiing for fitness

Try a winter sport. Any type of skiing or snowboarding is great, especially if it's on a local hill and you have to walk back up. Snowshoeing can really enhance mood - it gets you out into the sun, gets your blood pumping, and because it's usually solitary and quiet, is quite relaxing.

If you have to be stuck inside, use that time to be productive. Clean up the house, straighten up your paperwork, or organize some of the family's things. You'll not only stay active, but feeling productive enhances mood, too. You'll be proud of what you accomplished at the end of the day.

Rejuvenate your playlist. Change up the music you listen to so you can boost your mood. If you feel better, and the music moves you, dancing is a fun way to fit exercise into your day.

Invest some indoor time in your diet and meal prep. If you're cooped up anyway, you might as well spend some time in making healthy food for yourself and taking time to relax and enjoy it.

prepping healthy meals

Take some time off from work. During this time of year, the normal work day spans dawn to dusk, and winter is not known for its half days and fun-day Friday's. Get out from under the fluorescent lights and do something good for yourself. Also, try to stay active when you are stuck in the office! Check out our blog here on ways to do that.

Don't give up. February might be a tough month but it's the shortest month. It gets better in March, and then April starts spring. We're almost there!

Good luck.

Micro-Resolutions: 14 things you can change RIGHT NOW

glass of water

1.      Drink a glass of water before you enjoy your soda. Giving it up altogether might be the logical resolution, but a glass of water right before is not only great for your health but might help you drink less soda.

2.      Drink a glass of water before you drink any alcohol. Same idea as the soda one – earn that drink! (and be nice to your body, too)

3.      Walk 100 minutes a week. That’s 20 minutes every week day. If you miss a day, make it up the next. Try to get out most days and you’ll really start to feel healthier.

4.      Stand on one leg during all TV commercials. Simple idea, harder than it sounds. Gets you off your butt every 5-10 minutes and helps engage your core – and your brain!

5.      Change the TV channels manually. Or put the remote by the TV so you have to get up every time you change the channel or adjust the volume. Just another way to break up your sitting spells.

salt shaker

6.      Stop salting your food. You know you don’t have to do it. And while you can get used to it if you try, you can switch to a sodium-free salt-substitute in the mean time (I prefer Nu-Salt)

7.      Eat breakfast. You know you’re supposed to, but time is the issue. So, make a smoothie the night before. Super healthy and you can drink as you head to work. One serving of no-sugar-added yogurt, half a cup of milk (almond/skim/soy), handful of berries (blueberry/strawberry/raspberry), 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. Blend and put in a to-go container the night before.

8.      No calories between dinner and bed. You don’t need to eat or drink anything with calories before bed. It’s just a habit and a bad one at that. You’ll agree once you give it up.

business man on exercise ball at work

9.      Exercise ball at work. Sit on an air-filled exercise ball at work instead of a chair. You’ll use your muscles all day (core, legs, back, posture) and release some extra stress, too.

10.  Drink 8oz of water when you first wake up. Hydration helps many physiological functions including metabolism and GI-tract regularity. Put lemon in it for an extra pH balancing health effect.

nutrition label

11.  Read nutritional labels and ingredients. Just learn about what’s in your food. You don’t need to change anything yet...

12.  No screen time 20 minutes before bed. No TV, no phones, no computers... the light from the screen messes with your melatonin levels and can negatively affect your sleep (trouble falling/staying asleep)

13.  Switch to smaller plates for meals. A smaller plate means you eat less. When food fills more of the plate, we perceive the serving as being larger. (Known as relative size perception or in this case the ‘Delboeuf illusion’ - it’s science. Look it up.).

14.  Eat lean protein with every meal. Chicken, fish, egg whites, cottage cheese, yogurt... the list goes on. It’s healthy and it helps to displace less-healthy foods.