5 ways to amp up your workout RIGHT NOW

Have you hit a plateau lately? Getting bored with your regular workout routine? Here are 5 simple ways to amp up your current workout:

1)     Add cardio drills between resistance training sets

Keep your heart-rate up between sets and cut down on your cardio time. For each drill, start with 30 seconds and build up to a minute between sets. Jumping jacks, mountain climbers, high-knee running in place, burpies, jumping rope – pick your favorites and keep moving!

2)     Add cardio or weights to your routine

If you only do cardio, add some sets of resistance training to your program. Pick a few multi-joint exercises and alternate them a few times (e.g. chest press then row, shoulder press then pulldowns). Be serious about it, too. Put effort into your sets and don’t take too much rest time in between.

If you only do resistance training, try adding a short HIIT cardio session after your lift: Warm up for five minutes and then alternate 60 seconds of very high intensity cardio followed by 90 seconds of light cardio to recover. The 60-second intensity segment should leave you sucking wind at the end. If you can get through 5 cycles of intervals, you’ll be adding a great heart-healthy, fat-burning component to your workout.

3)     Do drop sets for a few resistance training exercises

Instead of working through your normal sets (like three sets of 10, or 15/12/10 reps), try making your last set of an exercise a drop set.  Get your hands on 50% more weight than you usually use and only do 4 reps. Now drop the weight down 5 or 10lbs and do four more reps. Do that a third time (and a fourth if you can handle it) and you’ll be left with an exhausted set of muscles! What’s more, you’ll have one of the most effective and efficient uses of time there is in resistance training.

4)     Use intervals during your cardio (hills and faster pace)

When you do your cardio, break it up into intervals (or segments). For a treadmill, that could be as simple as walking at max incline for 2 minutes then jogging for 2 minutes. Or, if you’re on an indoor cycle, alternate 2 minutes of fast cycling and 2 minutes of stand-up pedaling. It’ll keep your body guessing so it makes the workout more effective.  Plus, shorter segments make your workout seem to fly by! You’ll feel like you got through it MUCH more quickly.

5)     Hire a personal trainer!

A fitness professional can expose you to a library of new exercises, drills and different approaches. He can push you to new limits, help you set new goals and reinvorate your workout so it’s challenging, effective and fun!

What are you teaching your kids about eating?

Have you ever been amazed by what your children remember? Isn’t it adorable how they strive to imitate things you do? Kids are like sponges - everything you do and say is sure to stick with them somehow. It’s no surprise, then, that how you view food and meal times will have an effect on how they view them as well. What type of example are you setting for your children when it comes to good eating habits?

Mindless snacking
Watching a movie or binge-watching your favorite family show? Are you downing a whole box of cookies or bag of potato chips, too? Indulgences are fine every once in a while, but try to take a small portion to the couch and don’t go back for more. Maybe try to bring some healthy snacks to family TV night instead, like the ones shown here. I especially like the ‘indoor smores’ and the ‘chunky peach pops’.

Quality meals
Drive-thru again tonight? Or frozen pizza? These things are ok once in a while, but as a treat and not as a solution to a busy life. I know it always seems like there's never enough time in the day for everything, between work, after school activities and helping with homework. But nutritious, balanced meals are important for everyone, and extremely important for growing children. Set a good example by making time to serve complete meals that include protein, fiber (like veggies), and healthy fats (like those found in olive oil and fish). Don’t forget that the way your children eat now will not only affect how they grow, but will mold how they view food for the rest of their lives. Not only will you be teaching them valuable lessons about good, healthy eating habits, but you will be making yourself healthier in the process!

Sitting down and relaxing while eating
Having a quality sit-down meal is not always an option for today’s busy families. Parents have to work late or odd hours and kids have a million activities that can keep them busy way past dinner time. Try to make sure that, whatever time it happens, you sit down with your children for at least one meal of the day. Show them that eating, and eating well, is an important part of your life. It's sure to become an important part of theirs!
Importance of breakfast
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” I know you’ve heard that one before. There is so much truth in this statement! A healthy, balanced breakfast that includes protein gets your metabolism revving and can actually help you LOSE WEIGHT! Are you showing your kids that they should start their day with a nutritious meal, or are you running out the door with just a cup of coffee? Teach them that it's important to eat a healthy breakfast, even if they're running late. And not just a bowl of sugar that companies are calling cereal these days. Find fast, simple on-the-go foods, or prep some breakfast foods the night before. My favorite breakfast-prep is instant oatmeal jars. Fill jars with rolled oats and any type of ‘fixins’ you would like (fruit, nuts, cinnamon). Get creative! The best part is, kids love putting their own jars together! Make enough jars for the week and just add hot water in the morning! No time? Try prepping protein-packed smoothies (greek yogurt with your choice of fresh or frozen fruits) or these oatmeal bites so you can grab and go.

Food should be colorful
Are you only throwing chicken nuggets, potatoes and ketchup on your child's dinner plate? And yours, too? Make sure you set an example and throw some colorful veggies on everyone's plate! Peppers? Maybe carrots? And anything green! (You can even sautee them in garlic and olive oil if raw is not their style). Make sure your kids know that a colorful plate is a healthy plate. The more colors your kids’ plates have, the more nutrition they're getting. They don’t have to know this, but it can definitely make meal time more fun.

Shopping the outside of the grocery store
Shopping around the perimeter of the grocery store ensures that you are filling your cart with healthier foods. How so? Next time you shop, try taking a quick loop of the outside of the store. You’ll find that you walk through the sections filled with produce, meat, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. Mainly fresh foods are found around the edges of the supermarket. By shopping only the perimeter, you're skipping the foods that tend to contain chemicals and preservatives. You’ll also miss the ones loaded with sugar and trans-fats (chips, soda, cereal, etc.) that are hiding in the middle aisles of the store. See how much shopping you can get done in the outside area of the grocery store and you will be serving your family fresher, healthier food in no time!

Proper eating habits are important for your kids, both now and for their future health. Making an effort to establish good eating practices with them now will make it easier for them to care for themselves later, when the time comes for them to make these choices on their own. It’s much easier to continue doing things the way we’re used to and hard to change – so make the change for them and you’ll all be healthier for it!