Spring Cleaning for Better Health and Happiness (Part 3)
Ok - we cleaned up our physical space; we decluttered our mental space; now we need some spring cleaning for our exercise routine. We’re looking to increase our health and happiness this spring, right? Well, a fool-proof way to feel better and reduce your stress level is through physical activity. Here are a few ways to get you moving more and help you renew your commitment to getting fit.
Go outside. If you don’t have time on a certain day for structured exercise, try simply getting outside more. Getting more fresh air will immediately lift your spirits. Take a walk in the morning. Take a walk in the evening. Play with the kids or pets outdoors.
Treat yourself to some new workout gear - it’s a quick way to feel better about working out. Let’s face it, those shoes are probably well past their useful life anyway! A good pair of supportive sneakers and some new workout clothes can really help put you in a better mood for your workouts.
Another guaranteed mood changer is new music! Music is an extremely powerful tool that can elevate your mood. Music makes activities more enjoyable and can provide you with a push to work out harder and faster.
Find some active friends. We are influenced by our peers so surrounding ourselves with active people can get us moving, too! Sign up for a class at a gym or in your community. Do a walk/run fundraiser. Join a gardening club or a basketball league. Or just simply hang out with your active friends – they’ll show you the way! They’ll expose you to different active things to do and be a great support network. If being social during your fitness journey isn’t for you, try following a fitness personality. You can learn new tips and tricks from them or you can ask them questions yourself. You can start by following us! We post fitness and lifestyle advice, exercise suggestions, motivational quotes, and keep you informed about new scientific research and changes to health policy.
Revamp your workout – new exercises, new challenges, or a new activity outside will give you renewed purpose and get you excited to lace up those shoes! It might not hurt to change your overall approach to fitness, too. Setting and achieving smaller goals gives you more successes to celebrate, which can serve as a great motivator. Creating checkpoints, either with a trainer, a friend, or using an app, can also increase success by adding accountability.
Hire a personal trainer – if your workouts have become stale, you’ve hit a plateau, you’ve had a recent injury, or you’re just looking to gain more knowledge, nothing beats hiring a personal trainer. Be sure to find one that meshes with your personality and workout style – you will be more successful!
If you need more convincing that moving more can benefit your mental health, check out this article from Harvard Medical School.
We’ve discussed cleaning up your personal space, your diet, your mental and emotional health and your fitness routine, too. It might seem like a lot, but if you take it step-by-step, you’ll realize the progress you seek. Rome wasn’t built in a day and success doesn’t just happen overnight. Good luck!