A Better Body by Steve | Personal Training and Nutrition

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Revisiting Resolutions - An Early Reckoning

Reassessing your resolutions is a crucial step in turning aspirations into achievements. It's like checking the map during a hike, ensuring you're on the right path and making adjustments if needed. Here's how to do it effectively:

1. Schedule Assessments: Don't wait until February to realize your intentions have disappeared. Set regular check-in points to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement. Be more frequent at first while habits aren't fully established and space them out more as you build momentum.

2. Reflect Honestly: You resolved with conviction, so take this seriously. Be honest with yourself - have you made progress? Have you learned of obstacles that hinder your goals? Do you need to requantify or redirect your energy?

3. Celebrate Wins: Don't underestimate the power of acknowledging your achievements, big or small. Identify progress you've made and celebrate it! Recognizing successes fuels motivation and reinforces your commitment.

4. Revisit Your "Why": Reconnect with the deeper rationale behind your resolutions. What inspired you to set them in the first place? Is that motivation still burning strong? Reminding yourself of your "why" can reignite resolve and refocus your efforts.

5. Forgive the Adjustment: Keep in mind that resolutions are not set in stone. Life throws curveballs and you can't foresee every obstacle. Be flexible and willing to adjust your goals or timelines if needed. Don't see revision as failure but rather as a course correction on your journey towards self-improvement.

6. Use Tools: Like a professional who eventually learns of improved methods, sometimes you don't know what works best until you're actually doing it. If you haven't already, try a vision board to better map out your thoughts or a journal to more accurately track what works and what needs adjustment.

Remember, reassessing your resolutions is not about beating yourself up. It's about nurturing self-awareness, fostering flexibility, and ensuring your goals remain aligned with your evolving needs and aspirations. By embracing this process, you can transform your resolutions from fleeting wishes into stepping stones on the path to a happier, healthier you.