A Better Body by Steve | Personal Training and Nutrition

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Preparing to Resolve: Self Awareness Guides Your Goals

Between one-third and one-half of Americans make New Year's resolutions. Are you one of them? It's not a bad idea… When is self improvement ever a poor choice? But what to pick?? To answer that, start by observing yourself. Self-awareness can help uncover your ideal resolutions, like easy changes that are really impactful or more serious issues that need to be a high priority.

Here are some places to start:

Track your steps. Do you make it to 10,000 steps a day? Are you only getting a few thousand? This could be a great place to start.

Do you sit a lot at work? Could you be standing for some of that time? Do you sit in front of the TV a lot? Could you sit less? Less sitting would be good.

What do you eat? Is breakfast a dud because you don't have time for something healthy? Is lunch unhealthy because you just eat what the office orders? Do you feel like you're too tired or busy for a healthy dinner so you just grab whatever? What we eat influences our health tremendously! Understanding your current diet can help identify adjustments you might want to try in the new year.

WHEN do you eat? Do you skip breakfast (but wish you didn't have to)? Is dinner late because you're busy? Do you snack at night? Maybe there's room for improvement here.

Track your sleep. Do you get enough? How is the quality? Do you wake too often or have trouble falling asleep or getting back to sleep once your sleep is interrupted? Do you hit the snooze or stay up too late? Sleep has a huge impact on our health.

Think about your interests: are they sedentary? Are some active? Could you pursue more active interests? Do you like active things you don’t do? Doing enjoyable things that are active might be easier than structured exercise.

How do you usually feel? Good? Tired? Moody? So many other things in this list affect how we feel but it's important to note.

Do you smoke? You should quit. The single greatest thing a smoker can do is quit.

Drink too much? You would benefit from cutting back. How much are you willing to?

Do you get regular doctor check-ups? “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” means “inconvenience now prevents drama later.”

Do you get outside enough? It's good for you. (And your mother knew it!)

Do you pursue happiness? I don't mean all the time. I mean sometimes, when it's appropriate. Like going to the movies, eating out (carefully) with friends, or enjoying a treat at a holiday party.

Do you have any unhealthy relationships that you should adjust or eliminate? It might be smart to take a good, hard look at them, even though it's difficult.

Do you drink enough water? Do you drink sugary drinks or put junk in your coffee? Adjusting what we drink and how much might not be too difficult but still be very impactful.

Self-awareness can be a compass that guides us towards meaningful adjustments, both now and in the New Year. By understanding our true selves, we can craft resolutions that not only stick, but pave the way for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling year ahead.