Merry Maintenance!!
Merry Maintenance! The holidays are a time for family get-togethers, office parties and FOOD. Everything revolves around food… and drinks… But it’s a busy time, too. Lots to get done with shopping, prepping and enjoying company. So now isn’t the best time to start your healthy living overhaul. Instead, focus on maintaining the health you have.
If you regularly exercise, make a point to keep up your routine. No need to change anything or mix it up – just getting it done is going to go a long way in helping keep off the pounds now. Stick to what you’re comfortable with and, more importantly, what you can fit into your schedule. I’m not saying to cut yourself short, not at all. Just be reasonable, understanding that there are other things pressing on your do list. If you don’t regularly exercise, walking is a wonderful addition – no memberships, no special tools or knowledge. In fact, you can get started right now! Seriously, go for a walk. Not only will a walk help keep your waist in check but it’ll help reduce your stress, improve your mood and maybe even stop you from adding the scoop of ice cream to your pie.
Speaking of pie, let’s talk about all that food you’re probably going to gulp down. Maybe not all at once, but over the course of this month, before it’s all over, we’re all going to take in more than we should have. But there are a few things we can keep in mind that will help. First and foremost: moderation! I talk about it often and this is a perfect time to use it. Some cake for dessert is ok if it’s not the whole cake. A little mashed potato is fine if it’s not three helpings (plus gravy, butter…). Starting with a salad will help fill you up and satisfy your craving for chewing. Subconsciously we all feel like we need to be eating when around others who are eating. So stuffing your face with salad is a good idea. Just keep the dressing low-calorie. Now you can enjoy a moderate meal, choosing lower-fat choices like leaner meats, baked potato instead of mashed, vegetables that aren’t sautéed in butter/oil and any other substitutions that are tasty but healthier.
One last thing: watch your liquid consumption. Wine, beer, liquor and soda are more popular this time of year but all have their pitfalls. Drinking your calories can be a quick way backwards, especially since two drinks can easily be the caloric equivalent of an entire dinner! And if the drinks have alcohol in them, the alcohol can make it harder to digest your food and burn off the calories - AND it can lower your inhibitions so you eat even MORE.
Enjoying yourself is important, so not gaining weight during this time is a great accomplishment. Just keep maintaining and I’ll see you in my next post: the dreaded RESOLUTIONS!